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Old 10-22-2010, 02:48 PM
dragoon500ly dragoon500ly is offline
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Originally Posted by mikeo80 View Post
I agree whole heartedly. I gave up on SFB after module 7. I think they are up to 10 or 11 now.

Starfire, however, got nuts. Task Force sold the rights to an independant developer, David Weber had a falling out with the new designers, and the game has exploded from a 20-30 page marvel of brevity to a 50 page mess (IMHO). So many rules that were NOT needed (Again, IMHO). Starfire used to be a game you could set up and play a scenario in 10-20 minutes. Now it seems to take forever.

Loved to play the Klingons, but it was just the sheer mass that came down, here's a new race and by the way, the have a listing for everyting from battleships to shuttles and here are another 5 pages of rules and 25 pages of rewritten rules and on and on and on. SFB grew from a great little game into this mess.

Would love to get the 4th Interstellar War rules for Starfire, but looking over the mess, just don't know any more. Death of another great game system because somebody new has to "improve" it I guess.
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