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Old 10-28-2010, 03:41 PM
dragoon500ly dragoon500ly is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2010
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Let's look at the food situation this way. This is out of the T2K v2.2 rule book, but its a good starting point.

A person needs to eat a total of 3kg of food every day to remain healthy. This is raw foodstuff.

If you are going to use canned or packaged foods, then the requirement drops to 2kg a day.

If you use specially fortified, prepackaged foods, such as MREs, than the requirements drop to 1.5kg.

So for planning purposes, we are faced with a couple of major variables:

1) What time of year that we are setting up this camp; i.e. how long a period can reasonable be expected before crops can be planted? Allowing for emergencies, we would basically be looking at 12 months.

2) How large a population can the area support? This is going to be A MAJOR FUDGE FACTOR!!! For a Recon Team, I would plan for about 300 people. So, planning on using commercial foodstuff, that's 300 people X2kg X365 days= 219,000kg of food. Based on a standard commercial cargo container, that's 6 containers (240,000kg, a little fudge for packing material) required.

Moving on to support, for planning purposes, a typical GI would have about 10kg of supplies, this would cover everything from toilet paper to handcuffs to condoms, reloading equipment, band-aids, mouthwash, our 300 people for one year would require 1,095,000kg or 28 cargo containers.

So for plaining purposes, our little supply dump would consist of 34 shipping containers with a maximum capacity of 1,360,000kg.

Plugging in some other numbers, lets assume that the Project is going to cover the US and Canada. Over the years the, a total of 40,000 people have been recruited and frozen. Average team size is 10 people, so we have 4,000 teams, scattered across North America. According to canon, a team is supposed to have 6 caches, and since a cache is a 4'x4' cube, we'll say that two containers will fill all of the caches. We'll also assume that each team has an average of 1.5 of the larger dumps.

That works out at 8,000 cargo containers to fille the caches; and 204,000 cargo containers for the supply dumps. This is the largest weak point, because 212,000 containers is a lot of stuff to move around and ship, from a security stand point alone, this would blow any equipment upgrade. And the chance of somebody digging a new swimming pool...and incovering a stash.

But this is the weakest part of the whole idea behind the Project; you have to recruit people, but sooner or later, you are going to have to explain the large number of fatal accidents that your employees seem to be suffering from. Which argues for a smaller Project. Since the stated ideal of the Project is to help rebuild, you have to have the personnel, or a force multiplier provided by superior equipment/logistics, which brings us right back to just how much can be hidden before somebody starts asking questions?

You know, PDing this game can lead to grey hairs and accelerate your drinking problems!
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