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Old 10-29-2010, 12:03 PM
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kato13 kato13 is offline
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My latest thought for supply caches would build off my plan to have the Project own a corporation like UPS. You standardize a shipping module which fits inside a Box truck and they deliver one module to a remote farmhouse daily for a year. The modules are auto loaded into an underground facility and then the cache is sealed.

I am still working on the logistics of digging the hole (perhaps using the trucks to remove the dirt as well), The spoke solution works here as i can see the following schedule.

a) Dig spoke one.

b) Fill recently dug spoke - Dig next spoke - Use truck to remove dirt
Repeat ("b"x7)

c) Fill Spoke 8 - Use Truck to remove digging equipment.

d) seal the cache

I like the volumes of material you can place without raising too much suspicion. I mean who thinks twice about a UPS truck making a delivery (even daily).

I am also probably starting work again on my equipment weight/volume database so I might be reaching out for ideas as to what you might want place in containers or kits.
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