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Old 11-02-2010, 11:57 PM
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helbent4 helbent4 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Vancouver BC
Posts: 532
Default Morrow Project Play-by-Skype

Currently, I am part of a play-by-Skype Morrow project game, Recon CA-4. We will be starting a new chapter and moving to a new area of operations, so new players are welcome.

1) It's run like a conventional sit-down game, but the players are geographically separated so we need to use Skype in a kind of conference call mode. Our usual "game nights" are every other Sunday, 5:30PM Pacific time.

2) We try to use some kind of added real-time mapping client to keep track of movement in combat, with mixed success. It takes some organising but when it works it rocks, being able to see everything tactically.

3) The CA-4 game is using d20 and is a modernised version of the Project.

That said, we're taking a break from the CA-4 game and I will be running a 2-3 session "one-shot" relating to my own TMP campaign, which has a different timeline (based on Final Watch and therefore using the TM 1-1 timeline).

1) I'll be using revamped 3rd edition Character and combat rules.

2) PCs will be part of a newly activated Frozen Watch team, Specialty FW-11S. PCs can be from any of the 4 branches: MARS, Science, Recon or Specialty.

3) This one-shot adventure will be using the TM 1-1 timeline, and team freeze date is 1987.

We're going to go back to CA-4 when we're done with this interlude, but the first game will be this Sunday so if you're interested, please PM me ASAP or email with a character concept and I'll send you the character guidelines:

or Clive, our usual PD:


Last edited by helbent4; 11-03-2010 at 12:07 AM.
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