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Old 11-03-2010, 11:32 PM
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Snake Eyes Snake Eyes is offline
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I've been stewing over this for a couple weeks now and I suppose if there is a silver lining to be found in Keith's decision to shutter 93GS it is that, with the license back in play, anyone who thinks they could have done a better job is now free to put their money where their mouth is and prove it. I really don't mean for that to come across as bitter as that sounds because I have seen a lot of really good ideas tossed around here over the years and there is certainly a lot I would have done differently had it been my ship to steer. Running a boutique RPG publishing outfit is a near-zero margin business, and not for the likes of me to pull what's left of my hair out over - but I really look forward to somebody scraping up that seed money and presenting the owner with the business plan that will allow them to pick up that torch and run with it. For what it's worth, my career as a Twilight:2000 fanboy has been long and distinguished and my playtesting credentials are impeccable. Excellent references provided upon request. Good luck, you're on your own.

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