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Old 11-06-2010, 12:59 PM
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natehale1971 natehale1971 is offline
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(Had my Roommates kidnap me for a little bit....)

Also the Refugee Camp wasn't meant to be operated by the Recon Team.

While the Recon Team sets it up since they are ON SITE and see what is needed, the camp would be operated and administered by specialists deployed form the Combined Operations Group and/or Area Operations Group...

These camps would be able to serve as not only distribution points for relief supplies... but they would also be perfect for organizing the survivors in a way that would let the Project KNOW what kind of skill pool they would have access too.

Another thing that i had forgot for putting in the cache, would be ballot boxes, and other things that would promote voting and electing local representatives.

Yes the Camp would have a Project Administrator, Project Security and Project Medical Staff who would operate as the core that would be dispatched... but they would be assisted by an elected 'Mayor', and elected Chief Constable and of course a local (if available) Chief Medical Examiner.

On the judicial arena.. elections for a Chief Judge, Chief Prosecutor and Chief Advocate would be necessary.

There is a lot of things we might be forgetting that would be needed for reestablishing a fully functioning representative republic with a strong democratic tradition.... To many today think we're a democracy, but the founders were adamant that we're A REPUBLIC, for as long as we can keep it.

And the Project was founded at a time that this was still taught in schools, and the education materials that would be made available for the schools that would be set up, would have the kinds of things that a turn of the last century 8th Grader would have to know to graduate (things that many college graduates today have difficulty knowing).

I'm going to set up a community thread that everyone can post their thoughts on just what is needed to create a self-sufficient society that would be the cornerstone for the government to rebuild the republic upon.
Fuck being a hero. Do you know what you get for being a hero? Nothing! You get shot at. You get a little pat on the back, blah blah blah, attaboy! You get divorced... Your wife can't remember your last name, your kids don't want to talk to you... You get to eat a lot of meals by yourself. Trust me kid, nobody wants to be that guy. I do this because there is nobody else to do it right now. Believe me if there was somebody else to do it, I would let them do it. There's not, so I'm doing it.
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