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Old 11-20-2010, 05:32 PM
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atiff atiff is offline
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Default Philisophical point...

HI all,

I don't play TMP, never read the books, etc... but just a comment of a general nature.

There are facts, and there are opinions. Facts are perceived by people in different ways, creating perception and influencing opinion. With regards to something like "a reason why," there can be a lot of different ones, depending on what you feel is probable. But just because something is not probable does not mean it is not possible.

Was it probable that I would now be living in a country other than the one of my birth? No, but it was possible, and in fact here I am doing that. Was is probable that I would now have a net worth of $10 million? No, and it didn't happen (unless you measure it in Zimbabwe dollars ). But it could have.

Things are as they are not necessarily because of things that were the most probable, but because of things that were possible. So as long as something is possible, I think it is worth considering, and can form the sound basis for a potential scenario. (And IMO this is why multiple timelines can be so much fun.) If you want to think more on this, consider reading "The Black Swan" by Nassim Taleb; I found it good (although, maybe that was not probable? )

I now return you to your regularly scheduled discussions....
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