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Old 11-20-2010, 09:27 PM
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Given the original time frame the Us versus Them mentality is totally acceptable IMO. If the Soviet Union survives into the 21st century in a particular time line I see the rivalry continuing.

I read some piece of supplemental material (I have no idea if it is fan generated or canon), about Morrow being about rebuilding the US faster than the Soviet Union post WWIII (to prepare for WWIV I guess). This made sense for me as something that the COT would latch onto. Yes getting individuals to join would be hard, but convincing multi=billionaires to change their paths would be even harder in my opinion.

The tech they are demonstrated will not bring them long term wealth or power. The decisions that they make are not for themselves. In a cold war environment I certainly see using the fear that the Red Bear will conquer everything as a significant motivator. Remember this project starts in the 50's and the USSR is going to be the source of the missiles that rip the heart out of the US.

Sure once the Bear is gone it is easy to forget them, but given the times the COT came out of, I am sure "beating" them in some way would be a focus.
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