Thread: Personal Gear
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Old 11-29-2010, 09:00 AM
dragoon500ly dragoon500ly is offline
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Ha, you should really consider switching to Aftermath!.
And here my wife is trying to get me to switch to Decaff!

Having used TMP's canon system as a player and a PD, I can say it's a solid system that definitely captures the specific flavour of the game and the factors the designers wanted to emphasise. (To be clear, I mean the canon 3rd edition rules that have been cleaned up and fixed but not totally overhauled or replaced.) Some players couldn't care less what system they use and so it doesn't matter either way. Others are wedded to their favourite system to the "bitter end" and can't fathom using another (d20) for whatever reason. (I can't imagine drinking the Koolade that deeply, but I guess some people like what they like!)
No arguements here! I've even played TMP as straight canon! Rather enjoy the 3rd edition rules.

Maybe I'm just getting conservative in my old age, I sometimes feel that change simply for the sake of change is not always a net positive.
LOL and I'm older than you are me bucko!!!! Change is a good thing (or so my wife tells me every time we drive past any store!). Sometimes throwing a great big monkey wrench into the game system can lead to a great game.

You played a game TMP that combined Star Wars/Vampire/Toon? Bizarre!
What can I say, we were young, we were stuck in barracks on a Friday night in between paydays, we were drunk on cheap beer!

Hey, there's no "TMP police" holding a gun to your head.
Then why is that black van with the tinted windows parked out front? And besides! Tac-nukes are overrated....introduce a Orge MkV into the game just to liven things up I say!!!!

In some past games, I've been accused of handing out way too much gear, ok, so what! I use it as a tool to split the team up (and as an aside, have you ever noticed how every team just has to dig up all of the caches at one time, just so they can huddle on top of the mountain of treasure..errrr gear?). Got to admit, that I perfer to use the Cold War/WWIII setup, it just feels more "right" than the various updated oops!

These original elements come together to lend a definite authenticity to TMP that is not matched in other post-apoc or generic RPGs. Don't get me wrong, I don't think that anyone not following canon is "wrong" or running a bad game. But blowing up canon doesn't automatically make it better, either!
And that's what keeps me coming back to this "outdated" game. Well that and getting to blow up canon material!

edit kato13 fixed quotes (end quote needs to be [/quote])
The reason that the American Army does so well in wartime, is that war is chaos, and the American Army practices chaos on a daily basis.

Last edited by kato13; 11-29-2010 at 09:22 AM.
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