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Old 12-06-2010, 02:41 PM
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Rainbow Six Rainbow Six is offline
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Louie, thanks for the clarification on the Milan Platoons...that makes perfect sense.

By my count RAC in 1989 had nineteen Regiments (not including the HCMR). Taking that number into the start of the Twilight War I came up with this for the RAC at the start of the War:

Recce Regts (CVR(T))
Five (one for each of the three Armoured Divisions, plus one for 5th Abn Bde and one for 1st Mech Bde. 5th Abn Bde Regt has one Sqn assigned to 3 Cdo Bde, whilst 1st Mech Bde Regt has one Sqn going to the AMF(L) and (as this is for a T2K setting) one Sqn going to the Middle East Field Force.

MBT Regts (in my T2K timeline a mix of Chally 1 and Chally 2)
Twelve, which matches what you have exactly (porbably because as I mentioned the tanknet orbat is my framework!).

4th Arm Bde - 2 (Includes Berlin Sqn)
6th Arm Bde - 1
7th Arm Bde - 2
11th Arm Bde - 1
12th Arm Bde - 1
20th Arm Bde - 2
22nd Arm Bde - 2
33rd Arm Bde - 1

That makes seventeen, which leaves two Regts - the one assigned to the 1st Mech Bde at Tidworth and the one split between Catterick and Bovington. I hadn't seen a reference to that Regiment going to 19th Bde before - going by Graham Watson and Richard Rinaldi's book on the BAOR I thought 19th Bde at that point consisted of three Infantry Bns and no armour (although it does list a Recce Regt as coming under the Bde's command sometime around the start of the 1990's).

I don't have any definite info on where the Tidworth Regt deployed. Again looking at this strictly from a T2K perspective, I opted to have the Recce Troop in Cyprus (UN duties in Nicosia), one Sqn in Waminster (in a demo role) and one Sqn at BATUS in Canada, with the remainder going to Germany with the rest of 1st Bde.

Thanks again for the've obviously done a shedload of work on this, and I appreciate you sharing it with us.

Author of the unofficial and strictly non canon Alternative Survivor’s Guide to the United Kingdom

Last edited by Rainbow Six; 12-06-2010 at 02:47 PM.
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