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Old 12-24-2010, 01:05 AM
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helbent4 helbent4 is offline
Volunteer Timeline Errata Coord.
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Vancouver BC
Posts: 532


We should really have a separate thread that goes like, "T2013 sucks! No, T2013 is awesome, YOU suck!"

Like it or not, this is a fan forum primarily for T2K. There is going to be an orientation in that direction from many people, although the list mods like Targan have made it clear that this forum has no real or implied anti-T2013 bias. In fact there's a lot of love for T2013 out there. Many would have been satisfied simply with an update and expansion of the rules if the background was largely unchanged, thus continuing a process stretching from v1 to v2 and v2.2 . I believe I understand some of 93GS's reasons for updating the background, although of course I wasn't party to the decision-making process in the slightest.

Although .pdfs are a boon to small companies like 93GS they do pose a problem in that it's relatively easy to pirate them. One could argue that free/pirated material is really no different than leafing through a book in a game store, and that people who actually want to run or play the game seriously eventually buy the books themselves. There's probably truth to both views, but small game companies simply don't have many cheap options.

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