Before people start blaming Far Future Enterprises for anything, they should remember that it's a one-man operation. Marc Miller, by himself with a little help from family and friends. If your order is a little late, send him an email and ask what's up, it's really that easy and he's alway been very approachable in the correspondance I've had with him.
Before people start claiming places like DriveThru RPG are making a profit from old GDW products, they are an authorised distributor and their authorization comes from Marc Miller, the legitimate licence holder for those old GDW products.
Before people start spruiking free downloads for anything, they should remember that this is an international forum and in some countries what you're advocating is illegal or unethical and at times just outright insulting to the originators of that material.
It's all well and good to claim that information should be shared but when you start distributing the hard work of someone for free, you prevent those people from making any money from their legitmate efforts. Why the hell would they then want to make more material for a hobby that doesn't give them a big return for their efforts in the first place. You're not sticking your fingers up at some megalithic corporation like Ha$bro here, you're simply screwing over a very small group of people who had hoped to make some contribution to the gaming community and at least get paid for their efforts.
BAH humbug! It's the 25th of December and I hate people already
No wonder I like cats & dogs better