Originally Posted by Adm.Lee
I've been told, and it might even have been true, that the Polish(-descended) population of Chicago makes it the 2nd largest Polish city in the world. Ditto the Hungarian population of Cleveland, a long time ago. I think I've heard the same for western Canada and Ukrainians (descended from Whites who fought the Bolsheviks in the '20s).
That would make for some recruiting grounds.
I can't speak for other ethnic groups, but the Ukrainian side of my family migrated from Czarist Gallicia to Saskatchewan around the turn of the century (well before the revolution). I've never heard of a specific White Russian motivation (too early) although that could be possible. It was more that the government and CN Rail advertised heavily in central and Eastern Europe at that time (pre-Revolution Russia) and many were lured by offers of free land in Saskatchewan. Members of my family didn't even speak English until sometime just after WWII.
I recall hearing about Ukrainian groups in Canada dedicated to maintaining links with the "old country". It's possible that they would work with western intelligence (receiving aid via Turkey and the Black Sea) or be recruited into various special operations groups.