Originally Posted by Abbott Shaull
If they were recruited for Commando type unit then they wouldn't break them up. Yet a lot of local raised units once they inducted would lose their local flavor real fast in military systems where they need to feed replacement to front line units.
I understand this is not how they do things in the good ol' USA, but different countries adopt different practices. What you assume is universal may not always apply. Local regiments have all been effectively abolished in the US Army but have been retained in Canada and the UK to some degree. This didn't change in WWII, and at least might not happen in WWIII.
Canadian regular regiments ("Reg Force") recruit personnel from a wide(ish) general area, even the replacements will come from those areas. If you are from Quebec you are unlikely to be sent to an "Anglo" unit. In Canada: 2000 in Challenge magazine at least the Militia (reserve) regiments at least in Canada seem to have largely kept their regional and even local nature.
In this hypothetical case, a company or battalion of Ukrainian-Canadian volunteers could be sent to the Ukraine via Turkey sometime during the Twilight War. Or, assigned to the Canadian 5th MIB in western Europe.