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Old 01-08-2011, 02:25 AM
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Legbreaker Legbreaker is offline
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"Plot arc"? What plot arc?
It was weak at best I'd have to say....

It's probably best to approach it using characters from units which didn't evacuate, or better yet, characters who a) didn't hear about the evacuation, and/or b) didn't care to return to organised military command and stayed well away from Germany.

The various "RTE" modules were little more than rewrites of the originals, using much of the same material, and recycling many of the same scenarios and plots. Return to Warsaw for example uses basically the same conflict and characters as Ruins of Warsaw. Even the Baron's forces are a close mirror with little real reduction from the events of 12 months prior.
If it moves, shoot it, if not push it, if it still doesn't move, use explosives.

Nothing happens in isolation - it's called "the butterfly effect"

Mors ante pudorem
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