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Old 01-08-2011, 03:32 AM
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Rainbow Six Rainbow Six is offline
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Part of the reason for not merging might also be for disinformation / deception purposes.

For example, with things as they are, Soviet Intel officers might be able to ascertain that a certain area is occupied by (for example) 1st UK Armoured Dvn, 4th UK Armoured Dvn, and 5th UK Mech Dvn so think that any thrust towards that area will bring them up against 3 Divisions but they are unable to establish exactly how strong those Divisions are in terms of manpower and AFV's. So they decide not to take offensive action.

If, on the other hand, the 3 Divisions are consolidated into 1, the Soviets think they are only facing one Division. They think an offensive would be more likely to succeed and make their plans accordingly...

Just a thought....
Author of the unofficial and strictly non canon Alternative Survivor’s Guide to the United Kingdom
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