Originally Posted by Abbott Shaull
The thing is the "Return to Europe", I always took that GDW decide/realize it was easier to write modules for places other locale like in North America.
They were in the last of series of modules and were release shortly before version 2 was release. So lot of the things they knew what was going to happen were already known. Not only that the covers were done with new graphics for GDW. I think these were intended for the v2 restart of the game, but they didn't want to alienate all those who v1.
Like I said with almost any of the modules they could be used in almost any order with some creativity.
In the words of Loren Wiseman:
"Consumer demand for more adventures set in Poland has been
increasing for the last several years and has prompted the publication
of the Return to Europe series, of which White Eagle is
a small part."
It was a financial decision, and there's nothing wrong with that. Any successful company has to give their customers what they want!
I think if they wanted to somehow bridge v1 and v2, they would have just done something along those lines. If anything, the v2 version of the Vistula Epic would have been that bridge. That's much more going back to the well than the "Return to Europe" series, which at least advanced the timeline. In fact, I can't recall any other game company re-releasing a ten-year-old adventures using a new rules set. In the RPG industry, adventures apparently don't sell, so I think it's reasonable to publish and republish something that actually sells and there is a demand for.
I do like the idea that "time passes", that events are not static after the PCs leave. Considering the widely divergent circumstances of different player groups, I guess it would be hard to put together a coherent "theme" or story arc for every situation. They still could have at least tried something for new player groups, linking the adventures.
Like probably many, I've never been satisfied with the political and military situation of the USA during and after the Twilight War. I think that even if the Mexicans' hash is settled it's still unlikely a large return to Europe is in the cards for at least a few years. Still, you could see small groups being inserted for important missions.