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Old 01-12-2011, 03:22 AM
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TiggerCCW UK TiggerCCW UK is offline
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Not sure if you want to add the RUC/PSNI to this, but their standard weapons are;

Glock 17, MP-5, HK33, G3 (marksmans rifle).

In a T2K timeline they would probably have been in the process of upgrading their weapons (can't remember the exact dates of the weapon changes) but they probably would still have a lot of the older weapons in storage;

Ruger Security Six revolvers, Mini 14 carbines, Sterling SMG's, Ingram M10's, L42A1, SLR (border patrol only)

There may even still have been some old M1 carbines in storage, although these were retired in the mid 1980's. Vehicle wise the primary vehicles are armoured landrovers and standard police cars, some armoured, some softskin. There are also a large number of armoured unmarked cars.
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