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Old 01-20-2011, 06:19 AM
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Originally Posted by dragoon500ly View Post
Always had problems with the police overreaction to that incident...yes the guy had gone on a rampage...but all the cops had to do was get on the front slope of the tank...and pull both shots on the fire extinguishers that would dumped 20lbs of CO2 into the engine and turned off the fuel pumps as well. Once the tank hung up, by opening the left rearmost top grill door, they would have had access to the tank's steering linkage, a dozen turns with a 7/16 box would have left the guy unable to steer...then it would have been a matter of waiting him out...and in a tank in a California summer it wouldn't have been long before he gave up.
I can't blame the cops for this one. It's not like part of their training should have been on how to disable a tank.

Now, I'm sure men from the National Guard could have known how to do this, but there are legal issues in using them.
A generous and sadistic GM,
Brandon Cope
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