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Old 01-29-2011, 05:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Darkwing View Post
So when your buddy freaks out because he thought he could handle his new reality on waking up, you just have him shot? He may not be an asset in the field for a while, if ever, but that seems an extreme solution.
People who freak out would have been weeded out with the training. You are frozen and awoken as part of your training. They would have found those who would have hibernation sickness syndrome before they ever where sent into the field. Everything the project did was tried and tested before it was put into place.

That depended on how well your cache came through the storm.
shows how little you know about preppers. they always have more than one cache. the minimum that i've noticed among the real preppers has been three caches, and two Bug-Out Locations.

I believe that being humane does not require clouding judgment with excess passion. Especially when thinking things out in advance, one can clearly examine the logic and find the best balance.
do you really think i am clouding my judgment? Because i'm not. i'm thinking through this rationally and using my knowledge of Preparing and Emergency Relief to come up with the CIAB. It's not only logical, it gives the field team the flexibility to do what they are suppose to do.

I wasn't trying to preach, just saying some of the things I think should be considered, and what my personal experiences were that led me to think so. I've got a few t-shirts and coins of my own.
then realize that you're not the only one with experience. everyone has different experiences and training. mine was in several areas outside the norm, and it allowed me to think outside the box and focus on how to solve problems using any and all methods possible.

Now you're getting personal. If you have military experience, you know some folks lose it when things happen, and others remain level-headed. Your screening process would try to find such people, not bleeding hearts.
Bleeding Hearts? are you flipping daft?

Anyone who'd volunteer to be frozen and woken up after TEOTWAWKI with the goal of rebuilding the USA and helping people are going to give a damn about the individual. Anyone who does not, who'd say that one life lost while winning the end goal is okay, would not be allowed into the project.

because the individual is just as important as the whole.

I've never been called a bleeding heart. so this is a first.

What am I not getting? When you wake up, you see what's out there, what's going on, you figure out how to link up with other units, you find locals and make alliances, and do all this with a handful of people. Each task is not performed in a vacuum. You have so many man-hours, and so much work.
Let's see, how you worded it.. that a fieldteam goes up to some local warlord and gives up everything and gets killed... Get it?

Field teams would wake up, check out the area. spend time LOOKING at the area, studying it and finding out who needs the help, and how much help they need. That's what they do. They don't just walk up to a warlord and get themselves killed.

Fine. I never argued against the caches; I said that you have to balance resources on hand with what resources can be stashed without revealing the fact that you are hiding something. Even if the US gov't is pretending ignorance, they can't control a reporter getting a whiff of it or Soviet spy-sats.
as i said.. cover stories would been needed for all the work that the project is doing over the 30+ years they are putting things into play.

At least some live working animals should be in each bolthole. Your vehicle gets shot up soon after waking, what do you ride? Semis may not be available at your CIAB, especially if you haven't met up with the larger bases yet, so those connestogas are handy.
that would be pushing it. that goes beyond what a field team is going to be able to do. animals and spare vehicles are in other project facilities that are better capable of using and allotting their use.

[quote] No. You mistook my tone, and jumped on your high horse over it. Growing up during the Cold War, I read a good amount of post-apocalyptic fiction, thought about it a fair amount back then. Sure, I'm new to this game, but having read a bit about it, I was sharing some of my thinking about how things be done. Everything I've read seems to show MP personnel having a lot of high tech gear in relation to their new world. That's failure to prepare well. I don't need to know it all to see that much. [/qoute]

I grew up during the coldwar, and was trained to fight the cold war. My father was a grounds keeper at a resort in the mountains and watched as he set up all the infrastructure that made it completely self-sufficient.

Who would be useful in helping maintain that cache against discovery or disaster.
are there people not frozen? yes. But they are frozen right before TEOTWAWKI and placed in support facilities. Only Prime Base was awake for TEOTWAWKI, and that became the reason why the project isn't waking up until 150 years post TEOTWAWKI.

As mentioned above, if Bruce really is a time traveler, then they have 30+ years for getting and stashing the goods, but they also could easily 60+ years for the whole thing because most of the construction would have been done 20-30 years before, and would also thus make it easier to avoid spysats as a discovery vector.
if you did grow up during the Cold War, you would know that it wasn't until the late 1950s and 1960s that people started to really believe that TEOTWAWKI could actually happen. that something horrible could be done to destroy a country.

We didnt have the weapons like the A-Bomb until post-1945. And even then the scope of what the atomic/nuclear (and biological) weapons could actually do.

For God's sake they had men and women standing out in the open watching nuclear tests.. Throwing Parties to watch them!

it wasn't until the late-1950s and early-1960s that all the players that would be needed for such a grand scale conspiracy comes into play. the new edition of The Morrow Project will be dealing with the groundwork that the time traveling Bruce E. Morrow set up for the project down the road.

That one of the key operators behind the Council For Tomorrow was Howard Hughes, through him Morrow was able to make the connections with the other industrialists and get the resources needed to set everything up.

Nothing happens in a vacuum, as you stated. The difference is, i am using knowledge of various fields to try and create a coherent whole.

The Supply Cache model that i came up with was something that would hold all the kind of gear that the books say a cache would have in them. And introduced the CIAB as one of the six supply caches that each field team would be assigned to give the team the flexibility they'd need.

Not EVERY team would have a CIAB, but the field teams (SCIENCE, RECON and MARS) would have them. The Specialty teams would have resources to build something more intense because they would have direct access to the full resources of the Project, and would have direct resupply routes...

But Field teams would be operating on their own, without direct support for extended periods of time. Thus the three month food supply. That would either provide the breathing room for resupply from the Project Supply chain or for the first crops that would come from the 'greenhouses' and fields that would be set up in and around the CAIB site.

If you're looking for personal integrity, you can't screen for it without talking to them. Security clearances can be screened without a member's knowledge, but that limits it to secondhand information.
Wrong. The government does this to it's personnel in sensitive areas ALL THE TIME. Half of the guys i hung out with while i was in the service with had some massive security clearances. One of them told me that i had been given a Top Secret clearance since i passed the background checks that were ran on me because of the people i had made friends with (once of which was a Flag Officer who shared my love of Opera).

But what about a reporter who sees and photographs a site being put in and gets away to file the story without being noticed till the newspaper comes out? What about GRU agents analyzing satellite surveillance?
that's why i said a cover story would be needed for the project's assets being set up. Back in the time period the project was getting set up, satellite coverage was not what it is today.
Fuck being a hero. Do you know what you get for being a hero? Nothing! You get shot at. You get a little pat on the back, blah blah blah, attaboy! You get divorced... Your wife can't remember your last name, your kids don't want to talk to you... You get to eat a lot of meals by yourself. Trust me kid, nobody wants to be that guy. I do this because there is nobody else to do it right now. Believe me if there was somebody else to do it, I would let them do it. There's not, so I'm doing it.
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