Pirates Of the Vistula thoughts
There's some things about this adventure that have always bothered me. I can't find my copy this instant so I might have some details wrong but....
The Tugboat- yes, I've seen pictures of pointy bowed tugs. But I live near the Houston Ship Channel, I think it's the 3rd largest inland port in the U.S.A. Every tug I've ever seen has a squared off bow. I'm not an expert, but I see tugs at least once a week, pushing everything from barges to cargo & tanker ships.
Another thing about the Vistula Queen is it being a diesel tug converted to steam. Okay, I realize it's a game. But this came up previously on this forum and someone talked to a marine engineer (or something) and was told it would be easier to scrap the diesel and start over for a steam engine. Plus what's always bugged me is the funnel aft of the wheelhouse. Why does a diesel powered craft have that nice ready built funnel????
Then there's the mission. Head down the river to rescue Adam's family & any other survivors they can find. So they're taking a tugboat that doesn't have enough cabin space for the characters, plus a half decked barge? Ooookay.
My idea is dump the tug/barge and have Adam captain a restored paddleboat steamer, similar to what cruised the Mississipi in Mark Twain's time. Already steam powered, plenty of cabin space, easier to repair a wooden hulled vessel than a steel hulled vessel.
I don't know if Poland ever had such boats but I can't see why not.
What's ya'lls thoughts on my idea?
Just because I'm on the side of angels doesn't mean I am one.