Originally Posted by dvyws
I apologise for the way this is going to sound, but the whole tone of this post comes across as "that's not how its done here in America, so it must be wrong".
Oh, and post finally - what on earth makes you think that a restored Mississippi paddle steamer is going to available in Central Europe? I've been around most of the worlds waterways, and I've seen precisely one, and tat was in, err, New Orleans, on the Missippi!
Not at all. All my great fund of "experience" with tugs/tows/barges is what I see on the Ship Channel once a week or so. That's the point of starting the thread, to find out what more traveled members of the board think. Besides America, I've been to Okinawa Japan. and up and down the Korean peninusla, and the Philipines. And at the time I was more interested in old whiskey, fast cars, and young women.
I'm not trying to say some one transported a Mississippi River paddleboat to Europe. I just find it hard to believe that the Mississippi is the only place oin the world that has them.