Originally Posted by dragoon500ly
The tugs you see in Houston are barge tugs, intended for inland waterways and harbors...
Adam's tug may be a coastal tug, it would explain the bow difference. Still...why is it so far up the river? As for the funnel...a lot of tugs have the "traditional" funnel, its fitted with air intakes, the diesel exhaust is a pipe that runs up the backside of the funnel....
I think somewhere that both the tug, and the main combat ship of Black Baron fleet were both started out as being able to be used in Coastal work and River work. Dependent on where the tug could find work and where the gun ship was needed. Ironic was that the old Austria-Hungry Navy was largely River based organization in WWI. Also for the most part the Russia Navy before WWI had some sea going for projection force but we know how that turned out for them around 1905.
Many of the European powers through the centuries have fluctuated from having deep water naval power to something resembling a coastal defense.