Thread: French Orbat
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Old 09-18-2008, 12:08 PM
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Mohoender 09-18-2008, 10:27 AM
I just did a quick lookover while at work. definitely better than what the T2k sourcebooks have.

I was not one who agreed with T2k canon said regarding Belgium, considering that over half the country is Flemish, so I like your take on the Belgians (7th Mech and 16th Division go to the Dutch). Kind of off topic, but do you know if the Belgian Paracommando Regiment split it's component battalions into Flemish or Walloon units? Also did the Belgian Air Force and Navy also have Flemish and Walloon units?

Back on topic, where do you have the fusilers marins, commandos marines and the 13e RDP?

Yes they do but I don't know exactly which unit is felmish and which is wallon (french speaking). That, by the way explain why only few air force units came to France (many are flemish speakers) and that is certainly more true fro the navy (all harbours are on the north sea coast after all and that is entirely flemish)


Mohoender 09-18-2008, 10:29 AM
Belgian para commandos - definitely someone I'd like to have on my side! They used to come over to Otterburn training area every year at the same time as we did our field assesment for the Marine cadets. We actually got to do OpFor for them one year. Really impressive unit, worked well in the field.

I think it will split but I don't know to whom advantage. It has strong ties with the french foreign legion but it is strongly entitled to NATO I think. Belgium units are based at Salon de Provence and Solenzara

Actually you can be sure that the "chasseurs Ardenais" go to France and you can expect the Red devils to go to France (then Africa) and US/UK. Nevertheless, I don't think Belgian will fight americans as there is too much respect on the Belgian part.


Last edited by kato13; 09-18-2008 at 01:11 PM.
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