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Old 12-17-2008, 08:00 AM
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Marc Marc is offline
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Location: Sant Sadurni d'Anoia, Catalunya
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Bona dia!

I like the argumentation of Legbreaker about the NATO offensive. In fact, I've translated it to Catalan to use it in my current campaign. Sadly I have not all the material published about T2K but Legbreaker's description has given to me a good overall vision of the canon operation. I will only add one point of my own harvest but without going too far away from the canon. I 've just started a new campaign with two group of players and with the characters being members of the 5th Infantry Division, but chronologically beginning with the initial stages of the NATO offensive. I've chosen to run a mini-campaign that will end with the Battle of Kalisz, as a way to introduce my players to the Twilight world in a more "guided way", still being members of an operational military structure. And, with great pleasure for me, they are newbies in the Twilight world and totally unaware of the fate that waits for the 5th ID in Kalisz.

In my initial setup, the position of the Canadian, American and British units in Germany is somewhat embarrassing. They have not adopted the cantonment system yet, knowing that it probably implies the future inability to develop any future offensive action. But they lack the resources to keep their units fully operational without exerting some kind of serious control about an extensive area, like the German units in their cantonments. So they are partially supplied of food and fuel provided by the Germans. This have originated a growing discontent among the overstretched civilians living in the German cantonments. Of course civilian population still feel a certain degree of gratitude toward their allied units. But they think that a lot of time has passed without any important activity in the European theater. Americans , British and Canadians have an important problem in the growing numbers of desertions. A lot of soldiers think that in he current situation their parent units could not provide the necessary means of support and that their lives could be better if they look for their own interest in small groups beyond the military structure. Every day, more soldiers choose to desert. The idea of a possible evacuation to their respective countries acts still as powerful cohesion factor, but morale is low. Finally, the decision about a new offensive is made.The objective is to obtain the lands for the future cantonments for the US, Brits and Canadians. The Germans, feeling in debt, will help, though they are reluctant to leave their cantonment areas partially unprotected and some warning voices point that a new major action in Poland could reactivate the war in Europe. The XI Corps, the bulk of the non-German forces in the German - Poland area, would lead the way. The final effort that could provide to NATO units with their own feuds, avoiding their disintegration as a combatative force.
L'Argonauta, rol en català
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