Thread: FARMING in T2K
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Old 12-17-2008, 12:24 PM
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Mohoender Mohoender is offline
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Originally Posted by firewalker
Large pre-existing farm’s (were they exist at all, threes a bit of a riganil deference here as well) are going to be known. Local people as well as long distance relatives and friends are going to be making for 'em not to mention any "military" type units. also sooner rather than latter the rumor at lest is going to get out to the refuge masses.....people are going to want in but there’s going to be a tipping point were the number of workers vs ability to support workers+dependints is at it's limit.

Smaller "new" farm's have a better chance of staying under the radar longer.
It is one of the reason that explains why I advised to keep your ammunitions for anything but hunting.

Another problem with large farms is that they need mechanization and chemicals, something you won't have or have in very limited supply.

I agree with the refugees problem but that will last for a fairly small amount of time. If you take the game as per canon US would have lost 50+% of its population and that reduces silghtly the number of people you have to feed. In T2013 they are saying that 10% (if I'm not mistaken) of the world population is left, that makes things even more easier. My own figures for US are about 25% of survivors: you can deal with it at the local level and, then, I agree with the small farm idea. I could also think of something like the Israeli Kibutz or Soviet Kholkozes. Everyone works in the field and takes up arms when needed, shooting at everything that might try to take over the land. With a reduced humanity and limited supply of ammo, you'll have plenty of animals in almost no time.

About who you are to feed, the answer is simple, those who are of use to the community no matter if they are friends, family or stranger. For the stranger you might be well advised to watch them but that is more than true for family as well (the most trusty might be the friend as long as he doesn't envy your girlfriend or boyfriend). If someone doesn't want to do his share, you let him die (or kill him) and feed the pigs with its remains. That might sound a bit hard I agree but from what I know that's how it works. The only exception comes from petty dictator with enough cruelty to scare the hell out of you. You'll be able to think about charity only when you start to have a well fed population. Before that you won't care and you push them away (if you are of the mercyful type) or simply kill them (if you are of the unforgiving type). Another exception will come from the kids but as soon as they turn 6 or 7, you can use them for work (they are great at mining). As a result, the word that might be heard from a distance is that the amount of cadaver growing in front of your door is increasing everyday.

Last edited by Mohoender; 12-17-2008 at 12:38 PM.
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