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Old 12-19-2008, 01:05 PM
Graebarde Graebarde is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Texas Coastal Bend
Posts: 528

I agree with Adam Sandler's observation. I have two daughter's (both grown and with kids) but I still worry for them. More than for the four boys that is. Why? Because I use to be a skirt chaser and know what goes through the mind of most of the boys. But then I know if you teach the girls right, that's half the battle and teach the boys too.

I threw one of my youngest daughter's 'boy friends' off the second floor balcony into the bushes below. It upset my daughter at the time, but since then she mentions it to me occassionally and thanks me for doing it. He was a TOTAL punk. He brought his dad back later, but HE was smarter than his kid and left.. always wonder if the Revelation double had anything to do with it?

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