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Old 07-02-2011, 01:29 AM
Griff Griff is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Middle of nowhere, Iraq
Posts: 18

In '89 we field tested 50/100/200 round drum mags' because the "banana" mag was to long, but decided against them because if they weren't loaded properly they were a flaming pain to fix in a fight, not to mention heavy as hell. We also didn't have all the nice "gucchi" gear that's on the market today, so we had no way to carry all those fancy mags in the first place.

Saw some SEAL and SF teams with them. They used them as first mags only. Saw a couple of the 50rnd Bananas with the SEALs too, even though they couldn't get in the prone with it and it still jammed on them. The springs just couldn't handle to weight/tension for long. Just not worth the effort overall.
Thanks for the reminder though, hadn't thought about that in years.
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