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Old 07-24-2011, 08:16 AM
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Legbreaker Legbreaker is offline
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The Summer Offensive is a pet project of mine and something I'm intimately familiar with. I've spent many years on it and I can tell you with absolute certainty that Reset had nothing to do with the planning of the offensive.
It is unfortunately a common mistake made by some who have misread the material in Free City of Krakow which clearly states "Under cover of this offensive, the Special Forces B Team code-named Strike Zulu had moved off toward the city of Lodz on a mission of its own behind enemy lines. Its movement was masked by the fury of the 5th Divisions attack."
The same book states in the same paragraph "The final offensive in Poland was launched by the 3rd German Army and the US 11th Corps in the spring of 2000, an attack which was expected to clear the Baltic coast as far as the mouth of the Wisla river of enemy forces."

To me that means the aim of the whole offensive was to seize and hold the valuable Baltic coastline, and open up a sea route to move supplies and reinforcements rapidly eastward in preparation for further operations. This could have been a southward movement in an effort to encircle Pact forces on the German-Poland border, or at the very least place them under serious pressure to withdraw or risk being cut off and eliminated.

Meanwhile, Pact commanders had amassed a sizeable supply of fuel for an offensive of their own with undetermined goals. My guess is they intended to do something similar to Nato (drive deep and cut off) but were beaten to the punch.

Most of the Pact strength was well behind the lines and so Nato commanders felt confident in their ability to brush aside the weak and battle worn Polish units before them. However, they did not, and could not reckon on such a strong and powerful counterpunch which not only destroyed the US 5th ID but also drove the 3rd German Corp back to their starting positions and cut off the remainder of US XI Corp.

The salvage of a little piece of unproven tech means nothing in light of the overall picture. Hell, even compared to just what the 5th ID was doing, one small B team and their mission means almost nothing.
If it moves, shoot it, if not push it, if it still doesn't move, use explosives.

Nothing happens in isolation - it's called "the butterfly effect"

Mors ante pudorem
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