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Old 07-24-2011, 08:32 AM
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Legbreaker, you are putting words in my mouth... and i find it offensive.

I never said that the Summer offensive was ONLY done for Reset. I said that they used the offensive for cover. Something they said in the damn books was what was being done.

One small b-team being a mere footnote that is completely without anyone needing to notice it.. totally goes against what history has shown time and time again. Those kinds of teams are able to go out and do crucial missions as a scapel and not as a chainsaw or machete. They get their mission done, and allow bigger things to be carried out.

you jumped on me accusing me of saying something I DID NOT SAY.

i started this thread asking about the Operational Name or names for the Summer Offensive, and i said that we know that Reset used the offensive as cover for it's operation.

My statement that the full force of the Soviets hitting the area inmass being to find and get back Reset after it was stolen would actually be possible. beause reset would be a major strategic resource for rebuilding after the fighting finally ends. Who ever had reset would have a massive advantage over those who did not have it.

History has shown that information is power. And that the acquisition and management of information can make the weakest of field armies superior to the strongiest of field armies that has a piss poor intelligence and information network! How do you think the American revolutionaries defeated the strongest army of it's time?

They call it Hybird Warfare now. The use of insurgency troops with a core of regular Army units, that are assisted by an extensive network of intelligence assets.

Reset would give anyone who got their hands on it, a major leg up when the war was over... because all that data that was stored on EMP damaged computer hard drives could be accessed and used.

Being able to do that would be a hell of a lot more than just a mere footnote in history.

I hated the operational name for RESET. it's one of the reasons i broght it up. And YOU jumped to ASSUMPTION that I said that the Summer Offensive was only done to give cover for RESET, when I stated "We know that the Summer Offensive was to provide cover for the heaviliy classified Operation Reset" i NO WHERE stated that it was the ONLY reason for the summer offensive.

But that RESET USED the summer offensive as cover to accomplish their goals. AND GUESS WHAT... the damn books said that.
Fuck being a hero. Do you know what you get for being a hero? Nothing! You get shot at. You get a little pat on the back, blah blah blah, attaboy! You get divorced... Your wife can't remember your last name, your kids don't want to talk to you... You get to eat a lot of meals by yourself. Trust me kid, nobody wants to be that guy. I do this because there is nobody else to do it right now. Believe me if there was somebody else to do it, I would let them do it. There's not, so I'm doing it.
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