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Old 07-24-2011, 11:58 AM
James Langham James Langham is offline
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Regarding Reset, I put this into my history (puts on Kevlar and ducks):

Publication of the book “Lies and Deceits: The secret history of the war” in the United States. It's author Morgan Pattison argues that many irrational events have a rational explanation. The US Government denies the stories in the book but many gain public acceptance as evidence is hard come by. When Lt Col Bernard McGough late of the 5th Mechanised Division claims that as per Pattison the unit was sacrificed to cover a secret mission his claims are given credence. Gradually these claims become more mainstream despite government denials until by 2018 the story will start to appear in mainstream histories as a possibility. No evidence of this however has ever been found.

That gives the possibility of both being right.

While I really like the variations on a theme name (especially Y Ddraig Goch but then again I am Welsh), experience has shown that us British will have a completely unrelated name (e.g. Iraq = Telic, Afghanistan = Herric, Gulf = Granby). We also seem to have used a few two word names in Afghanistan (e.g. Panther's Claw) but I think those have been translations of a single Afghan word.

Can anyone cast any light on German and Pact naming conventions?
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