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Old 12-22-2008, 10:23 AM
Graebarde Graebarde is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Texas Coastal Bend
Posts: 528

There's the old story I've heard from several directions, and know at least one family that did it. When the boy comes to pick the daughter up (Does that still happen?) the father, and in some cases brothers, were either sitting cleaning the family arsenal or stropping one hell of a big knife. No words of threat etc were said, but the message was clear.

The first time I went to my first wife's home 'to meet the parents' was a Sunday. Her dad was a Marine of Tarawa vintage, missing fingers of his left hand from said incident. Her brother was a year older than I. Incendent occured as brother walks through living room, well not all the way. Dad says to go do something, son says "F... You". In flash Dad is on feet and son is laying on floor out cold. I NEVER messed with the daughter, or even considered it until we were getting married. And when he 'asked' me to do something, you bet your bippy I did it. Learn from OTHERS mistakes.

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