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Old 12-22-2008, 04:34 PM
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Mohoender Mohoender is offline
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Originally Posted by Graebarde
There's the old story I've heard from several directions, and know at least one family that did it. When the boy comes to pick the daughter up (Does that still happen?) the father, and in some cases brothers, were either sitting cleaning the family arsenal or stropping one hell of a big knife. No words of threat etc were said, but the message was clear.

I don't know for US but the Corsicans still do that. Else they are occupied at kiling the pig or the sheep. Actually, girls (and even women) from Corsica always have brothers, someting which is kind of bad news as they might be gorgeous.

The bright side of this is that you might get a strong support for the other women in the family. They usually get the last word.
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