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Old 08-24-2011, 08:31 PM
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Default OT- Television Program Reviews/Recommendations Thread

I didn't watch the whole episode and I probably won't be watching another but I caught about half of Combat Hospital on ABC (USA) and I thought the multi-national character dynamic was kind of T2K-ish. If you haven't heard of/seen the show yet, it appears to be set in some kind of NATO base area field trauma unit in Afghanistan during the current conflict there- kind of like China Beach, Kandahar-style. The head doc was Canadian (there were quite a few Canucks on display) and one of the significant female characters was Australian.

I wasn't impressed by the acting and the various storylines were a bit too pat and contrived for my tastes.
Author of Twilight 2000 adventure modules, Rook's Gambit and The Poisoned Chalice, the campaign sourcebook, Korean Peninsula, the gear-book, Baltic Boats, and the co-author of Tara Romaneasca, a campaign sourcebook for Romania, all available for purchase on DriveThruRPG:
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