Thread: USMC questions
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Old 08-26-2011, 11:10 PM
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LAW0306 LAW0306 is offline
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First off all know here that I'm an active duty Marine and have 20 years EXP in the infantry, if you did not know now you do.

I would not have too many females in a Battalion because there is just not that many! they arn't around. in 1995 they were few and far between. I did not see many and I was at a base with all types of units. Right now today women only repersent 6% of the Marine Corps at 11,000. thats with a total force of 202K active and 40K reserve. so the bare numbers speak for themselfs. most women are not even in this war at any forward bases. you just dont see them. I have two tours in Iraq and Two in Afghanistan. there are small 4 person teams that come to you battalion for a week once a month that are female engagement teams. but they dont work well because there mission is to talk to females in afghanistan....well they stay in side all day and only the very old and very young come out, plus we dont have many female terps so they would not be able to talk to them anyway.

On the logistics side its very rare to see a female convoy commander for a logistics unit or females in there units, most dont want to be out in the shit and if they do they are in the teams i mentioned above and good on them for wanting to kick ass. We did have a Sgt Maj for a logistics unit in our AO that was a female, rare bird here, very strong leader and in very good shape. i had the honor of eating dinner with here twice and she came off as a real pro. thats my two cents and i dont have a opinion if they should be there or not. I let higher figure that out and I comply with orders and none of my views are that of the Marine Corps ,just some one thats been there and missed the line for the T-shirt. If you would like more info on the Marines just Mail me and I would love to help. I have a write up for the Corps in T2k that I have been working on for 10 some years. some day I hope to finish.
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