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Old 08-28-2011, 07:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Panther Al View Post
No, More real world than game. Just like how parachutes was designed for (If I recall correctly) 180 pound loads, they never see anything so light in real world use. Same goes for seating, Sure, you can fit 11 guys in the back of a 113, provided they are not wearing anything other than BDU's. But in the real world, its more like 8 when wearing battle rattle.
Actually, the M113 can fit up to 14 in the back (in addition to the crew), including webbing, packs, radios, the lot.
Been there and done it, and conducted the tactical enbus and debussing drills as well. EVERY bit of kit was squeezed inside the vehicle with only the usual cam net and single roll of barbed wire on the outside.
AND it was the Australian version of the M113 - the one with a turret basket taking up internal space.
Not saying it was easy, or comfortable, but if can be done if everyone is REALLY close friends.
If it moves, shoot it, if not push it, if it still doesn't move, use explosives.

Nothing happens in isolation - it's called "the butterfly effect"

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