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Old 09-13-2011, 12:50 PM
mikeo80 mikeo80 is offline
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A few more ideas that I have.

Gunsmith: Creation and repair of firearms. May also be involved in making of gunpowder.

Sheriff, Marshall, Police Chief: Local peace keepers. Most are probably honest souls, however, there would be the chance for the greedy one who charges for his protection.

Justice of the Peace, Judge: Local arbitrator of justice. See description of Sheriff

"Madam Wu's House of Pleasure": If the local stopping point is large enough and there is enough traffic, there will be a "house of ill repute".

Glass Blower: In a post WWIII life, glass jars will be a necessity for storage of food.

"Honest John's Trading Post": A place where people will trade what they make for other items, what travelers find along the way will also be traded here.

The stopping point would have to fairly large for the following:

Telegraph office??
Train Station?? Both of these are found in Timeline scenario "American Outback"

Hope this helps!

My $0.02

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