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Old 09-24-2011, 02:55 PM
Sanjuro Sanjuro is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 288

If you want to keep the party trapped for a longish period, consider what happened to Urquhart at Arnhem (Sean Connery in A Bridge Too Far); an enemy patrol camps right beside them, without even knowing thay are there. That keeps them in one spot, but if you want to just slow them down badly, put lots of small units camped nearby- every km of travel will have to be scouted first, the group will have to stop and listen a lot, and someone is going to have to be rearguard, and make sure there is no trace of their passing- everything from shell casings to footprints can betray them.
Under those circumstances, anything more than about 500m per hour is very good progress...
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