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Old 09-26-2011, 02:24 AM
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atiff atiff is offline
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Originally Posted by Legbreaker View Post
Don't specify a set period between each encounter, just run them whenever the situation feels right. Can still randomly roll each one up, but as long as they're not standing on each others toes and interferring with each other, it's all good (unless you WANT a three way encounter).
+1 to that. A few other thoughts:

- If you figure out who is in the city and where they are, you can have encounters every time the PCs move into their area (don't even need to roll).

- Cities compress people into a smaller space than normal (including in T2K). If two groups are living 200m apart from each other, an encounter with one (e.g., a firefight) can be detected by the other. Then you need to think about what their reaction will be to that.
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