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Old 11-27-2011, 05:34 AM
mikeo80 mikeo80 is offline
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Originally Posted by dragoon500ly View Post
LOL! Never said I liked the layout of Delta, have to agree that the operations side of it is very limited....but then its nothing more than a glorified loading dock!
I agree, Delta is a logistics nigthmare until you realize the limited access the average team has with the computer.

One game I was in using a "Delta base" concept, the computer had one other function.

In the module, there is a sentence that always facinated me. IF the local commander inserted his card, and the Delta compute verified with PB computer, the local commande had control of Delta.....

All well and good.

Now, picture this, the local commander inserts card, expecting control of Delta, ....

He does. And receives the vector to Prime Base.

IF PB died per canon, the planners would have dispersed the C&C to the local commanders. SO the person with the proper card now knows approximate location of Prime....and a short synopsis of what happened.

My $0.02

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