Thread: Belize
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Old 01-09-2012, 12:15 PM
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Originally Posted by James Langham View Post
Anyone have any canon references to Belize?
Like Legbreaker said, the closest would be the Merc 2000 Gazetter entry for Belize. Neighboring Guatemala claims that Belize is actually part of Guatemala and sends in the troops. The Belize Defense Forces respond, the UK raises some mercs, as does the US. I can't remember the specifics but the implication was that the US air mobile group is actually paid for by US oil companies.

Here's a wikipedia entry on the real life Guatemala/Belize dispute:

Anyone know what real life UK forces were stationed in Belize in 1994?

and would the invasion of Belize even happen in T2K? Guatemala with US support was fighting a communist style insurgency in the 80's.
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