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Old 01-16-2012, 08:32 PM
mikeo80 mikeo80 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Fayetteville, NC
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In one game many, many moons ago, our little Recon group had a run in with "the wandering warlock". We had just "woke up", emerged from our little hidey hole, and we trying to wrap our collective heads around the idea that we were alone, The Project had apparently failed, and now just what the hell were we supposed to do now.

We were sitting around a campfire, eating a light meal, when this tramp anounces his presence. Of course we let him in to the camp. Asked his preference for dinner. (IIR, it was getting toward sunset, or maybe just after, my memory is not clear on that point. I do remember the guard talking to our visitor about dinner.)

We asked him his name, Ed was all we got. Was he hurt? Nope, just hungry. We let him eat. He didn't say much. Toward the end of dinner, we started asking general questions. Didn't get much. We asked him if he was heading anywhere specific. Nope, just walking to see what he could see.

The only thing I remember clearly about our visitor was his eyes. Always moving, alway looking....I don't know, like he was watching us and something else...All of the time.

The TL and the contact specialist had a quick conference. Later they told us they were going to use a spare rucksack we had, a full canteen, some meals, an extra blanket, fishing kit, knife. They were going to put together a kit for "Ed". With stuff someone could always use. The TL even had a spare .22 revolver with 100 rounds that he was going to offer "Ed".

Out of the blue, "Ed" spoke up. "Nope, don't need a gun, I'll be OK."

Then it got really weird.....

It was like we were drunk or stoned or drugged or.....something...

"Ed" smilied at us, "You are good men. You are why I did what I did. Don't worry, you are not alone. Your journey has meaning. Head East. There you are needed."

And that was that. "Ed" was gone. Of it wasn't for the empty MRE, we would NOT have believed it had happened.

Our best tracker tried for two days to figure out where "Ed" went/came from. He found some tracks leading up to our camp where we first encountered "Ed".

And nothing else......

We never did see him again. A couple of days of travel later, we found a small village that could use our help. We were The Morrow Project again.

My $0.02

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