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Old 03-12-2012, 05:39 AM
Mahatatain Mahatatain is offline
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Originally Posted by Legbreaker View Post
The Bren gun was a little different. Although classified as a machinegun despite it's rather inadequate ammunition supply (magazines on a fully automatic weapon?), one of the greatest complaints I've heard about it was not the mags, nor the weight (it's a bit of a beast for an LMG) but the accuracy - it tends to actually put rounds from a burst in the same place!
According to my father (who I must stress is not a military expert of any kind) to make the Bren gun spray the rounds in a burst and not just put them all through the same hole the designers had to loosen the fixing where the bipod attaches to the gun to make it move around a little, essentially making the Bren gun rock slightly on its bipod.

I have no idea whether this story is true or not however.
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