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Old 03-14-2012, 05:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Mahatatain View Post
According to my father (who I must stress is not a military expert of any kind) to make the Bren gun spray the rounds in a burst and not just put them all through the same hole the designers had to loosen the fixing where the bipod attaches to the gun to make it move around a little, essentially making the Bren gun rock slightly on its bipod.

I have no idea whether this story is true or not however.
While the story may be apocryphal, the Bren Gun was exceedingly accurate. The Stoner 63 LMG was also very accurate and needed to have this 'loosened up a little'.
My father was the gunner in an Infantry Section at the start of his Australian Army career and he carried the Bren Gun until it was replaced by the M60. He was quite proud of the fact that he could put all rounds through a door or window with the Bren.

He stated that he and some of the other gunners disliked the M60 because it sprayed the rounds "all over the place". They latter came to accept that the idea of the machinegun was to but as many rounds into an area as possible rather than put them all through the same hole.
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