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Old 03-19-2012, 02:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Adm.Lee View Post
Is it a neighbor of Graustark and Ruritania?

I like it, I'd be more tempted to use it rather than a real nation in a contemporary game.
Not a bad idea, really. While Czernograst is still keeping the old Soviet ways, the other nations could be more liberal and Westernisized. And of course, all three have minorities fromthe other nations, which can create racial tensions.and, should such a thing mount, both U.S.A. and Russia would probably be willing to send troops in.
"Listen to me, nugget, and listen good. Don't go poppin' your head out like that, unless you want it shot off. And if you do get it shot off, make sure you're dead, because if you ain't, guess who's gotta drag your sorry ass off the field? Were short on everything, so the only painkiller I have comes in 9mm doses. Now get the hell out of my foxhole!" - an unknown medic somewhere, 2013.
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