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Old 04-01-2012, 05:26 AM
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Rainbow Six Rainbow Six is offline
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All, thanks for your feedback, much appreciated.

James, I'll look at incorporating that info into a second draft. I particularly like the part about uniforms. I think it was the etranger site that coined the name "Waterloo Brigade". I couldn't find any reference to it in the Challenge article so decided against it. Re: the mix of Leopard 1 / II's, I was going on the basis that BATUS / GATES seem to have stocks of a wide range of vehicles (same reason I gave the Hussars two Scimitars). Thanks for the info on the tank names.

And feel free to take any parts you want for your problem with that whatsoever...

Canadian Army, you make a good case for the troops being in London - ultimately the reason I put them where they are is because that's where GDW put them in the Challenge article (they have the 3rd Battalion, Regina Rifle Regiment in London). It's likely the British and Germans might carry out patrols along Highway 401 though?

As a side note, I can't actually see the 4th Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment anywhere on the order of battle in the Challenge article. I think they would have been based in London? Granted there were a few nuclear targets in Southwest Ontario, so maybe they got caught up in those but a quick glance shows there are a few other Battalions missing as well (e.g. the Canadian Grenadier Guards). I know Canadian Militia Battalions were usually at Company strength in peacetime, so what's the likiliehood of al the Militia Battalions being brought up to full strength, or would they be consolidated?
Author of the unofficial and strictly non canon Alternative Survivor’s Guide to the United Kingdom
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