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Old 04-08-2012, 01:51 AM
James Langham James Langham is offline
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Posts: 735

This isn;t something I comment in normally being a dedicated follower of canon, but...

Possibly the best option is what appears to be happening now, anything which deviates from GDW's published work gets marked "NON-CANON," preferably in the subject. I personally try to stick hard to canon but appreciate that sometimes this can produce difficulties for a writer. I have to admit I personally find non-canon articles less interesting but tend to read them and reuse ideas (the way I encourage others to do with mine). Rainbow, I particularly appreciate the Alternative Survivor's Guide to the UK - if I hadn;t invested all the time into my background I would probably just use yours - please keep writing.

BOTH types of posts have a place and as long as it is clear which it is I see no problems. Common sense would suggest that if an author says something is non-canon he/she should not be criticized for it deviating although others should be free to point out the effects of the change on the world or holes in the research. Please all keep writing both canon and non-canon.

PS James Blunt stays as background colour! :-)
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