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Old 04-10-2012, 10:58 AM
Olefin Olefin is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Greencastle, PA
Posts: 3,003

The Bath Iron Works would be perfect for a mission similar to Last Submarine - but instead make it a commando mission to seize control of it from New America and then have MilGov move assets from Cape May and Norfolk to get the facility up and running again

Sure it would take a long time - but considering most of the remaining USN ships would be able to fit in a facility like that it would be perfect for that use.

You could even use it in combo with the Corpus Christi - i.e. she is hooked up to provide power while they get the power generating station going again at the Bath Iron Works.

And that works great with the canon of MilGov working to repair places that would be of benefit for military and also getting food - i.e. if you can repair DD's there you can also repair fishing boats and other ships.

You arent going to get all of Maine on its feet again - just the area around the Iron Works - a la what they are doing in A Rock in Troubled Waters for instance - its not all of NJ but just one small area that provides a big benefit for both the state and MilGov - i.e. the naval facilities in that area that also can be used to base fishing vessels out of.
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