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Old 04-22-2012, 02:46 PM
schnickelfritz schnickelfritz is offline
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Originally Posted by Legbreaker View Post
I hate to say it, but that sounds like US arrogance and solid belief in their own invincibility. Overconfidence, as has been proven over and over again in history, can get people killed, loose battles and entire wars.

While that may have been the case during the Cold War up until the end of the 1980's, the situation we're presented with in T2K is a bit different. We already know that there's no significant fleets left in the world and that this massive destruction occurred not just on the surface, but to subs as well. Nato subs of all types weren't excluded from that devastation.

Given that, and the number of warheads just one Soviet sub carries, the US isn't going to escape a sudden strike from the sea, no matter how great they may think their attack subs are.
I've read this post repeatedly and tried really hard not to comment. I suppose the best way that I could put this is that I think you could have worded your argument well enough to not make this particular post seem like a personal attack on those who weer/are members or supporters of of the UK and USN SSN forces.

I have a hard time not looking your words as written and thinking it wasn't.

I believe that some evidence appears in canon material that SSBN strikes did appear on US targets from USSR SLBM's but it would seem that the US/UK ASW forces were more effective than you seem to give credit for.

I myself would chalk up leadership targets in the DC area to a SLBM that managed to get a few missiles off before she was sunk or had to flee for her life.

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