Start out Bi-Annual or Quarterly.
The Editorial Staff needs to layout what articles are requested. Preferably this happens in the preceding Quarter or Half Year. A writer should know what types of articles are requested for the next Q or Half as sometimes research for one can run concurrently with another.
Such as 1Q (AK Variants of the Soviet Satellite Republics, Soviet Bridgehead Tactics, Allied Far Deployed Airfields) 2Q (NATO Combat Hospitals, Civilian Aid Agencies, Gypsy Caravans) 3Q (Fate of the Allied Refugees, 155mm Shell Variants of NATO, Where and who are the terrorists?,) 4Q (Harvest totals NATO/WP, Gun Trucks and Homebrew armor).
That gives the writers 60-120 days to research and write their article and 30-60 days for the Editors to Revise, include Artwork, and do the lay out.